
They write about problems of equality between men and women, relationships in Tuvan families, and the culture of the region in Russian and Tuvan languages….

Feminist Anti-War Resistance

…Anti-war Resistance (FAS) offers protest tactics with minimal risk of reprisals in Russia. FAS also encourages the creation of resistance cells around the world, including Belarus, Serbia, and other countries….

Reforum Space Vilnius

A space for media, NGOs, journalists, and activists in downtown Vilnius. Reforum Space works as a co-working space for working on weekdays and as a free event space. The space hosts film…


…war in Ukraine and Russian oil and gas begin to come to the forefront. If you want to know what harm war causes, in addition to bullets and fire, read Kedr….


for Hamburg because of the war to settle down: from meeting them at the station to helping them communicate with German officials. They also prepare guides and conduct supporting events….

Civic Assistance

…has been active in Russia since the early 1990s, helping refugees and migrants survive difficult situations. Now Civic Assistance offers legal, psychological and humanitarian assistance, as well as educational assistance….

Second Breath

‘Second Breath’ recycles clothes and promotes informed consumption. After the war began, the team began collecting clothes for refugees in Russia. Clothing, shoes, and bags are provided first, as well…

Russians Against the War in Vienna

A community of Russian-speaking Vienna residents who are united by their anti-war views. The movement holds protest actions and informational events….


A project that helps Ukrainian refugees who face language problems in other countries. Syncrone volunteers translate from Russian and Ukrainian into English, French, German and Italian….

Yakutsk Pacifist Association

The organization opposes Russia’s war in Ukraine and offers safe protests and visual agitation. In addition, members of the movement support the autonomy of Yakutia….

Solidarity Zone

A horizontal decentralized initiative to help and support political prisoners in Russia, they write about the scale of repression and the most resonant cases….


…in Russia and the world, as well as news about life in the Urals. In the project you can get psychological and legal assistance, and enroll in a free media school….