The Ark​.Business

The Ark​.Business is a non-​profit association of business people and entrepreneurs in exile, as well as those who plan to start their own business abroad.

We work to eliminate two main problems of relocation of business people:

The loss of knowledge of “how everything works” and loss of social connections. As a rule, because of them, relocating business people lose a huge amount of time and resources after moving abroad.

In addition to providing primary assistance to businesses, we are planning to actively interact with partners around the world, together solve systemic problems with the support of international organizations, as well as jointly implement socially important projects and support anti-​war initiatives.

In our channel we talk about various nuances of entrepreneurship abroad, changes in legislation and other relevant topics.

Business chat

Join the private chat “The Ark Business” to find like-​minded people, make useful contacts and keep up to date with our events in the country of your stay. (you must fill out the form)

We have launched several regular formats:

Once every two weeks, on Mondays, at 10:00 CET, our channel hosts “A Cup of coffee with..” – chat with a guest speaker. Our hero speaker talks about their experience, shares useful tips, after which we have traditional networking.

Every Tuesday at 17:00 CET we meet at the business book club. With the help of a professional presenter, we state our problems, analyze books, implement knowledge into our business and help each other.

Once a month we gather at the “Ark + Business” mastermind – where we receive feedback from community members about our work, we generate new ideas and organize working groups in new areas that are important to the participants.

In addition, we hold regular offline meetings in different countries – in the format of networking, open meetings and round tables.

We are always open to partnerships and joint projects – if you:

  • want to take part as a speaker in the “Cup of Coffee”
  • conduct a webinar or master class
  • would like to become our ambassador in your country of residence
  • have ideas for the development of our association
  • you or your company want to support the association with a donation or
  • place advertisements on Ark resources
  • develop a joint project with your company

Write to us via telegram @kovchegbusiness or email [email protected]

Business guides

“The Ark. Business” collects verified information about business relocation to different countries and prepares guides on it for you. The guides provide description of the forms of legal entities in each country, the nuances of opening companies, taxation and much more.


24 Videos

We help due to your donations

Co-​living, webinars for individual professions, vacancies and education, psychological assistance and much more – what we were able to do together with you. We do not have regular funding, so any help is important to us.

Donate money
[simpay id="5105"]

We have no technical ability to accept donations from Russian bank cards.

If you have a Russian bank card, one of the donation options given below might suit you

If you live in Russia or provide information about your foreign banking instruments in the Russian Federation, please use other transfer methods below.

Donate cryptocurrency

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If you would like to make a large donation, donate in another cryptocurrency, cancel a recurring payment or have any other question, please contact us by email: [email protected]

Operated by VšĮ “Eastern Europe Research Foundation”

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