LaruHelpsUkraine e.V

The project provides Ukrainians with detailed information about available social programs, as well as on issues of insurance, paperwork and psychological adaptation. Consultation can be obtained in Ukrainian, Russian and

Future Russia

The Swiss organization ‘Future Russia’ unites Russian-​speaking emigrants. The community holds anti-​war rallies, supports charity concerts in favor of Ukraine, and helps creative people realize their socially useful ideas….

Volunteers Tbilisi

Group of volunteers who provide housing and humanitarian assistance to refugees from Ukraine arriving in Tbilisi….


…war in Ukraine and Russian oil and gas begin to come to the forefront. If you want to know what harm war causes, in addition to bullets and fire, read Kedr….


for Hamburg because of the war to settle down: from meeting them at the station to helping them communicate with German officials. They also prepare guides and conduct supporting events….

Komi daily

…problems and the history of the Komi peoples, as well as the territories where they live. They analyze the problems of LGBTQ people in Russia, legislative initiatives and anti-​colonial discourse….

Civic Assistance

The Foundation has been active in Russia since the early 1990s, helping refugees and migrants survive difficult situations. Now Civic Assistance offers legal, psychological and humanitarian assistance, as well as…

Second Breath

‘Second Breath’ recycles clothes and promotes informed consumption. After the war began, the team began collecting clothes for refugees in Russia. Clothing, shoes, and bags are provided first, as well…

Reforum Space Tallinn

…socially significant and journalistic projects and initiatives. There is a video studio, a co-​working room and a book-​crossing point; Estonian language courses and letter-​writing evenings for political prisoners take place in the space….

Comunità dei Russi Liberi

The community of Russians who live in Milan oppose the Putin regime and support the release of political prisoners. The association has been holding peaceful actions in Milan since January…

Anti-​war community of Alsace

An anti-​war community created by Russians who live in French Alsace. Anyone who opposes the war in Ukraine can join the group. The community publishes information about rallies, important news…


A project that helps Ukrainian refugees who face language problems in other countries. Syncrone volunteers translate from Russian and Ukrainian into English, French, German and Italian….