Yakutsk Pacifist Association

The organization opposes Russia’s war in Ukraine and offers safe protests and visual agitation. In addition, members of the movement support the autonomy of Yakutia….

The last word

The project publishes the last words of politicians, human rights activists and other political prisoners that they said in court. Initially, speeches by Russian and Soviet political prisoners appeared on

Engagiertes Freiburg

…concerned Freiburgers who help refugees from Ukraine: they hold workshops for children, organize language courses, and even dance classes. Among other things, the organization has distribution points for humanitarian aid….

North German Coordinating Council of Russian-​Speaking Fellow Citizens (NDKRUS e.V.)

…values to Russian-​speaking fellow citizens, and contributes to their political enlightenment. The association also ensures the exchange of information between the Russian-​speaking, German and European media, civil society and authorities….


This project collects and analyzes information from independent sources and creates a daily compilation of top news that takes no more than 15 minutes to read. In doing so, the project has…


Electronic periodical literary and journalistic edition, writers-​run zine without censorship. Publishes prose, poetry, journalism, interviews with authors. The magazine’s policy allows pluralism of worldviews, except for ideas of authoritarianism, despotism…

Angry Chuvashia

A protest movement in Chuvashia that exposes corruption in the region, promotes an anti-​war agenda, and talks about violations of the rights of the mobilized and their treatment in Putin’s…

Prague Russian Anti-​war Committee

An association of mostly Russian-​speaking residents of Prague who condemn Russian military aggression. They hold rallies and discuss anti-​war initiatives, help refugees from Ukraine….

Scat Media

The ‘Skat Media’ project was created by its editor-​in-​chief, Lev Gyammer, and grew in a year from a volunteer team of journalists to a recognizable media outlet. The team writes about everything that…

Soldier’s Mothers of St. Petersburg

Legal, legal and social assistance to conscripts and servicemen. The project helps replace military service with alternative civilian service, fights abuses in the army and assists military personnel, including in…


A safe and ethical space that unites Russian-​speaking relocates around the world. The main feature of the project is its format: new participants send the moderators a ‘circle’ — a one-​minute…

Dnevniki 22

…faced Russian aggression. The channel publishes personal and true stories that will be testimonies for those who want to know what is really happening in Ukraine after the Russian invasion.