
The organization accumulates information about moving to France: it writes about the necessary documents, employment opportunities, government programs for refugees and migrants. The project also tells in detail about safety…

Loimaa against war / Loimaa sotaa vastaan

An anti-war movement created by immigrants from Russia living in the Finnish city of Loimaa. Every month, on the 24th, community members go to the city center for anti-war pickets…

Movement of Conscientious Objectors to Military Service

…NGO that helps conscripts avoid military service. The project helps gather information about the draft and develop a strategy. In special cases, experts are ready to provide moral and legal assistance….


Русскоязычная организация в Люксембурге, выступающая против войны в Украине. RUHelp помогает украинским беженцам в стране, антивоенно настроенным россиянам, а также тем, кто хочет покинуть Россию….


This project collects and analyzes information from independent sources and creates a daily compilation of top news that takes no more than 15 minutes to read. In doing so, the project…

Media Resistance Group

The project fights against disinformation and fake news. The authors do fact-checking and report real data about the war’s mastheads. The team also distributes legal instructions to budgetary employees….


Avtozak LIVE special project helps to understand the structure of French legislation for emigrants. They compose guides and instructions, publish current successful cases….


A large Belgorod public page created by local resident Danya Livson. After the start of the war in Ukraine, the author of the community left Russia, but continues to write…

European Petersburg

A coalition of politicians, journalists and activists opposing the war and Putin’s regime. Its participants aim to win democratic elections and defend the European path of development of the city….

Russen gegen Krieg

A small community of Russian immigrants in Göttingen pursues anti-Putin policies, opposes the war, calls for sanctions, and assists refugees from Ukraine….

Spring (‘Vesna’) Movement

The ‘Vesna’ movement, whose leaders are prosecuted in Russia for organizing anti-war protests, calls on Russians to civil disobedience to the regime that unleashed aggression against Ukraine. Branches of ‘Vesna’…

Reforum Space Berlin

…supportive space for people and their projects, located in the heart of Kreuzberg. The space works for refugees, activists, representatives of NGOs, anti-war initiatives and media projects on a non-profit basis….