Real Army

The project provides assistance to people liable for military service in defending their rights during conscription and during substitution of military service for alternative civilian service (ACS), and also assists…

Russian Discussion /​Göteborg

…world, but also become an author by sending your material. The community holds open voice discussions on various topics, records a weekly podcast and publishes information about Russian rallies in Sweden….


The ‘RosUznik’ project offers instructions on how to write letters to colonies and pre-​trial detention centers, as well as a list of those who are considered political prisoners (prisoners of conscience)…

Loimaa against war /​Loimaa sotaa vastaan

An anti-​war movement created by immigrants from Russia living in the Finnish city of Loimaa. Every month, on the 24th, community members go to the city center for anti-​war pickets…

Reforum Space Tbilisi

An association of Russian-​speaking residents of Tbilisi who oppose the war in Ukraine. Reforum Space Tbilisi provides a platform for activists, journalists, human rights activists and anyone who has left Russia…


Avtozak LIVE special project helps to understand the structure of French legislation for emigrants. They compose guides and instructions, publish current successful cases….


…but continues to write about what is happening in the Belgorod region. Local residents send information to Livson, so quickly that Blatgorod is often the first to talk about events….

European Petersburg

A coalition of politicians, journalists and activists opposing the war and Putin’s regime. Its participants aim to win democratic elections and defend the European path of development of the city….


A training platform for Russian anti-​war activists, independent journalists and opposition bloggers, as well as a small media outlet on Telegram with useful tips and instructions….

Photographers – refugees

Photographers place their photos on the platform, which you can buy for decoration of your home or just as a keepsake. All of the money you donate for a shot will go…

Stop Dictators HD

and promote democracy worldwide. In its social networks, the project posts information about anti-​war actions in Europe, primarily in Germany, and it also draws attention to initiatives to help Ukrainians….

Tyumen “No to War” Movement

A project of concerned Tyumen residents who oppose the war with Ukraine. The organization holds public events, posters anti-​war propaganda, and helps refugees from Ukraine….