
According to the project, with de facto military censorship in Russia, they are trying to silence the voices of those who oppose the war with Ukraine. The map informs about…


Psychological support from Ipso gGmbH

to emigrants from Russia in Germany. Up to 8 individual consultations with a psychologist online or face-​to-​face in Berlin are available to each person. The project is funded by the German government….

Black February

‘Black February’ accumulates information about ‘anti-​war cas’ – criminal cases against anti-​war activists. With the help of the project you can find a political prisoner whom you want to support (write…

Voice of Reason

A project of members of the Media Partisans. The team’s goal is to inform the public about anti-​war speeches and associations….


The project brings together creative people who post their anti-​war ideas on one platform. DISSIDENT publishes paintings, poems, and videos….

Fellow citizens

They help evacuate, organize logistics, rent temporary housing in safe places, buy medicine and food….