
The project raises funds to help political prisoners in Russia, informs about political criminal cases, including those against anti-​war activists. It is the publicity and public resonance that often helps…

Udmurt Republic Against Corruption

An association of residents of Udmurtia who oppose corruption in the region and the war in Ukraine. The participants carry out anti-​war agitation and report where mobilization summonses are handed…


An online tool that will help bring the truth about the war and its aftermath to Russians. The Telegram bot collects user accounts from different chat rooms in Telegram. It

Tyumen – rich region!

Independent media working with the Tyumen agenda: they talk about corruption, abuse of power and repression.

Russian Relocation Guide

The project offers informational assistance to those who intend to leave Russia. The project has a chat room where you can ask advice from those who have already left, as well…

Voice of Reason

A project of members of the Media Partisans. The team’s goal is to inform the public about anti-​war speeches and associations….


The project brings together creative people who post their anti-​war ideas on one platform. DISSIDENT publishes paintings, poems, and videos….

Fellow citizens

They help evacuate, organize logistics, rent temporary housing in safe places, buy medicine and food….