Calm Place

…house is designed for 12-15 people and is free to stay for ten days together with the family and animals. It was founded by Natalia Zubkova, a Russian eco-activist and journalist….

Letters of Freedom

A community of Russians that organizes evenings of letters to political prisoners, and also participates in other anti-war and pro-democracy actions of Russian citizens in Yerevan….

Democratic Community of Southeast Finland

A Russian-speaking community of those who live in Finland and stand up for freedom of speech, fair elections, a democratic future for Russia, and against dictatorship, repression and war. The community…

Speak Up for Peace

…Ukraine and can’t leave it yet), political emigrants from Russia and Belarus. Help is available for those who are in a crisis situation and cannot pay for tuition on their own….

Protokol. Krasnodar

An independent publication that publishes investigations into the corruption of officials, as well as writes about searches, trials, mobilization and other important events in the Krasnodar region. Appeared from the…

Za Wolną Rosję

The Polish project ‘Za Wolną Rosję’ helps Russians who have been persecuted in their homeland. It also supports a positive image of Russians who oppose Putin’s regime, fight Russophobia, and help…

No to War

forms and templates for letters to government agencies, and read useful resources: news, human rights, and humanitarian. For refugees in Russia, there is a list of Russian charities and humanitarian organizations…


The project is about Russian-speaking emigrants who were forced to leave their native countries and go through a difficult experience of adaptation, searching for themselves and building new life plans….

NODA community

…between them and those who want to support them. The NODA community maintains a “world map” showing the anti-war projects of Russians, conducts research, helps Russian media and NGOs work…

Conflict Intelligence Team

The Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) works with public sources to verify reports of warfare. The team helps combat fake news and disinformation by providing unbiased data about armed conflicts. CIT…

Mind Club

…regular classes again, which will distract them from what’s going on around them, give them a regular routine and help them tighten their knowledge and prepare for midterm and final exams….

Earthlings HUB

The project offers free assistance to school-age refugees from Ukraine. With the help of an online program, they can study natural sciences, engage in programming and engineering. The organization was…