Samantha Smith’s Group

The project helps refugees from Ukraine to learn English and other foreign languages, which will allow them to live more freely in new cities and find jobs. The ‘Samantha Smith’s…

Send Help LT

…It helps refugees from Ukraine in Lithuania with clothes, shoes and bedding. Volunteers send packages around Lithuania to the most vulnerable groups: women with children, pensioners and people with disabilities….

Allianz Für Freies Russland

Residents of Germany (main city is Nuremberg) among the Russians created a project that opposes the aggressive policies of the Russian regime. In addition to helping and supporting Ukraine and its…


Space for Russian and Ukrainian activists in Tbilisi, where they can safely and comfortably work, hold lectures and events. The project also operates a free kitchen for those in need. AntiZona…


Unofficial Russian-language media outlet in social networks, created by a group of emigrant enthusiasts. A team of Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians who have left their countries create stories about life abroad, the…

Anti-War Hospital

to interfere with its work. Instructions are offered for those who wish to do so. The project is closely affiliated with the Anti-War Foundation, which provides financial and legal support…


…us of what war is all about. War, first and foremost, is death. In memory of those who died as a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine, this project was created….

Hotline for conscripts and servicemen

The project of the Agora Human Rights Group is a hotline for conscripts on all issues of military service, its replacement with alternative civilian service and observance of the rights of…

Protokol. Tver

An independent publication that publishes investigations into the corruption of officials, as well as writes about searches, trials, mobilization and other important events in the Tver region. Appeared from the…


They help LGBTQ people leave Russia, provide emergency housing, medicine and food. They highlight the problems of a community persecuted by the Russian state….

Paragraph 22.2

…The channel publishes news about changes to the rules of residence in Germany, advises on relocation, and gives advice on where to turn for questions of relevance to the emigrant….

Respond Crisis Translation

…with the language barrier. The project helps both people and non-governmental, non-profit organizations, as well as human rights activists, lawyers, doctors, activists and educational institutions that provide assistance to migrants….