Send Help LT

It helps refugees from Ukraine in Lithuania with clothes, shoes and bedding. Volunteers send packages around Lithuania to the most vulnerable groups: women with children, pensioners and people with disabilities….


They help LGBTQ people leave Russia, provide emergency housing, medicine and food. They highlight the problems of a community persecuted by the Russian state….


The project offers assistance in learning foreign languages for Ukrainians, internally displaced to other countries as well as for political emigrants, who have no opportunity to pay for courses. Also…

Allianz Für Freies Russland

…opposes the aggressive policies of the Russian regime. In addition to helping and supporting Ukraine and its inhabitants, participants hold actions in support of political prisoners in Russia and Belarus….


Space for Russian and Ukrainian activists in Tbilisi, where they can safely and comfortably work, hold lectures and events. The project also operates a free kitchen for those in need. AntiZona…

Respond Crisis Translation

…with the language barrier. The project helps both people and non-​governmental, non-​profit organizations, as well as human rights activists, lawyers, doctors, activists and educational institutions that provide assistance to migrants….

PANDA platforma

…into the cultural environment, organizes discussions on issues related to the Eastern European community, the LGBT community, repression in Russia and Belarus, as well as Russian military aggression against Ukraine….

Golub Miru

A humanitarian organization that helps Ukrainian and Russian refugees in Serbia: provides the necessary clothing, equipment and other things. The Dove of the World visits migrant camps and also accepts…

Open Space

…bonds for political prisoners, exhibitions. The OP informs about all events in its social networks. In addition, in ‘Open Space’ you can get psychological help and talk with like-​minded people….


A bulletin board of free goods and services for residents of Ukraine, as well as refugees and emigrants in Georgia. The service works on the principle of Avito and offers…

Mind Club

…regular classes again, which will distract them from what’s going on around them, give them a regular routine and help them tighten their knowledge and prepare for midterm and final exams….


Unofficial Russian-​language media outlet in social networks, created by a group of emigrant enthusiasts. A team of Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians who have left their countries create stories about life abroad, the…