Feminist Anti-​War Resistance

Feminist Anti-​war Resistance (FAS) offers protest tactics with minimal risk of reprisals in Russia. FAS also encourages the creation of resistance cells around the world, including Belarus, Serbia, and other…

Paragraph 22.2

Information for political emigrants who intend to settle in Germany. The channel publishes news about changes to the rules of residence in Germany, advises on relocation, and gives advice on

Coalition for sustainable development of the country

The coalition for the sustainable development of the country was created in Russia in 2020. It includes scientists, journalists, experts and activists who contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable…


An individual initiative of an anti-​war Russian woman who collects information about military operations, fact-​checks it and shares it with subscribers. The author also writes analytical articles and fights fakes….

Russians Against the War in Vienna

A community of Russian-​speaking Vienna residents who are united by their anti-​war views. The movement holds protest actions and informational events….


for political activists to pay protection fees or fines. Activists leave their own information about the trial, have it verified, and then publish it. Only a specific person can donate funds….

First Department

…used to work under the brand name ‘Team 29’, helps people accused of anti-​state crimes, primarily those accused of treason. The organization is also engaged in legal education for Russians….


…us of what war is all about. War, first and foremost, is death. In memory of those who died as a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine, this project was created….


…in Russia and the world, as well as news about life in the Urals. In the project you can get psychological and legal assistance, and enroll in a free media school….

Protokol. Tver

An independent publication that publishes investigations into the corruption of officials, as well as writes about searches, trials, mobilization and other important events in the Tver region. Appeared from the…

Google Doc for Targeted Assistance to Ukrainians in Russia

Targeted assistance for refugees from Ukraine who found themselves in Russia. The lists include different regions of Russia and necessary things for the refugees there. A curator will help to provide…

Russian Resistance

A project of the St. Petersburg-​based publication Paper, which talks about those Russians who remain in conflict with the state and publicly oppose the war. In the podcast, activists, journalists,…