Freies Russland NRW

The project unites Russians who have moved to North Rhine-​Westphalia in Germany and oppose the war and Vladimir Putin’s regime. They hold anti-​war actions and support volunteer organizations….

Eve’s Ribs

…– they collect libraries of fairy tales for children, hold creative festivals, and create guides for communicating with those to whom the idea of​equality between men and women seems wrong….

Media Resistance Group

The project fights against disinformation and fake news. The authors do fact-​checking and report real data about the war’s mastheads. The team also distributes legal instructions to budgetary employees….

War Is…

The project offers anti-​war flyers in the style of the famous ‘Love is…’ chewing gum. They can be downloaded, printed and posted in your city….

Contra Hamburg

…within the 1991 borders, freeing political prisoners in Russia, and ensuring freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. The group often publishes information about promotions that take place in Germany….

Voices in Korea

Russian citizens who moved to South Korea because of disagreement with the Russian regime organize protests and events in support of Ukraine….

Protokol. Samara

An independent publication that publishes investigations into the corruption of officials in the Samara region, and also writes about searches, trials, mobilization and other important events in the region. Part…


Student Anti-​War Movement

…out actions within the universities. In addition, the project informs students about actions or statements they have made, and publicizes cases of pressure on students because of their anti-​war stance….


The Foundation provides systematic assistance to representatives of the LGBT+ community in Russia. The activities of the «Sphere» are divided into strategic direction and social and legal support. In particular,…


…They provide support during the move: advice, money, and itinerary development. Assistance is offered both to those leaving Ukraine straight to Europe and to those transiting through the Russian Federation.


…of personal freedom and non-​aggression. The project facilitates the relocation of those who share their values and supports emigrants in all matters of adaptation and integration, including obtaining a residence permit.