Russian Democratic Society in Serbia

A young NGO founded by Russians living in Serbia. RDO organizes regular protest actions, helps people coming to Serbia, cooperates with the Serbian organization “Dove of Peace” in helping refugees…


They provide psychological and legal support, talk about the problems of domestic violence and stigmatization. They prepare self-​help guides and conduct educational meetings offline and online….


The project is about Russian-​speaking emigrants who were forced to leave their native countries and go through a difficult experience of adaptation, searching for themselves and building new life plans….

The Practice of Resistance

A podcast about those who do not support the war and participate in the civil protest in Russia against Putin’s militarist regime….

Anti-​War Foundation

The Anti-​War Foundation was created by Feminist Anti-​War Resistance, Anti-​Hospital and AntiJob. The project offers help to those who face the threat of being fired because of an anti-​war stance,…

Russians for Ukraine

…of the organization are constantly working at the border crossings of Medyk and Korczowa, at the train station of Peremysl and the reception points of Tesco and Hala Kijowska refugees….


…to contribute to peace in Ukraine and to the liberation of Russia. ‘Russie-​Libertés’ organizes meetings of Russian and French activists, holds anti-​war actions and helps those in danger in Russia….


The project organizes protest actions and cultural events in Germany. ‘Demokrati-​Ja’ also plans the establishment of a German community of Russian emigrants for the purpose of cooperating with other NGOs….

All Help Ukraine

The project accumulates verified sources of help for Ukrainians in Europe, links to state authorities, including those where you can apply for asylum. There are also instructions on how to…

Samantha Smith’s Group

The project helps refugees from Ukraine to learn English and other foreign languages, which will allow them to live more freely in new cities and find jobs. The ‘Samantha Smith’s…


The goal of the project is to demonstrate that there is anti-​war resistance in Russia and to give this resistance the widest possible publicity. #WEAKUP shows successful actions to look…

Helping to Leave

…to refugees transported to Russia. Volunteers accompany people until they are safe: they provide services from simple information to evacuation from particularly difficult areas, psychological, and, if possible, medical assistance….